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Stunning Big UV reactive Afghanite Crystal Sphere 80mm 623g & Holder - Must See For Sale

Stunning Big UV reactive Afghanite Crystal Sphere 80mm 623g & Holder - Must See
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Stunning Big UV reactive Afghanite Crystal Sphere 80mm 623g & Holder - Must See:

This beautiful Afghanite Crystal Sphere is a must-have for any crystal collector. Measuring 80mm and weighing 623g, it is a stunning addition to any collection. The sphere is polished to perfection and glows under UV light, making it a unique and eye-catching piece.

Made in Afghanistan, this sphere is made of high-quality materials and shows no signs of wear and tear. It comes with a holder for display purposes. If you are looking for a one-of-a-kind crystal that will stand out in your collection, this Afghanite Crystal Sphere is the perfect choice.

Afghanite Meaning:

Afghanite is a mineral that is green, lilac to bluish green in colour, and the metaphysical properties are said to be quite beneficial. Afghanite is said to help with spiritual growth, intuition, and creativity.

It can also help to remove blockages from the chakras and can be used to cleanse and energize them. Additionally, Afghanite is said to be helpful in releasing negative emotions and thoughts, as well as old patterns that no longer serve us.

The afghanite stone gets its name from where it was first found in a valley of Afghanistan. It is a fairly rare mineral and can be difficult to find. However, if you are able to get your hands on an afghanite stone, it is said to be a very powerful tool for spiritual growth.

Afghanite Uses and Benefits

The metaphysical properties of afghanite are said to be very beneficial, especially for spiritual growth and intuition. Afghanite is also said to be helpful in releasing negative emotions and thoughts, as well as old patterns that no longer serve us.

ℹ️ Crystal Health Disclaimer:

While crystals have been used throughout time to heal medical and emotional ailments, the information in this blog is not to be taken as medical advice. Additionally, you should always follow the advice of medical professionals per their diagnoses. Crystal healing should only be seen as supplemental.

Afghanite Healing Properties for the Physical Body:

Afghanite is a mineral that can offer healing properties to the physical body. While you should never forgo professional medical treatment for crystal healing, many people have claimed to have benefited from being close to these stones.

The following are some of the best benefits of these stones:


Afghanite is thought to help strengthen bones and muscles, as well as improve overall physical health.

Afghanite is said to help with detoxification of the body, which can be helpful for those who are struggling with illness or other health problems.

Nervous System:

Afghanite is thought to help with nerves and senses, which can be helpful for those who are struggling with issues such as blindness or deafness.

Pain Relief:

Afghanite is said to help ease pain, both physical and emotional. This can be beneficial for those who are struggling with chronic pain, as well as emotional pain.


Afghanite is said to be helpful in treating insomnia, as it can help to calm and soothe the mind.

Afghanite Healing Properties for the Emotional Body

Afghanite is a great stone to work with if you are going through a tough time emotionally. It can help you to release negative emotions and find peace. It can also help you to connect with your intuition and to trust your own intuition more.

Some of the emotional and mental benefits of these stones include the following:


Afghanite can be helpful in relieving stress and anxiety. It can help to calm the mind and allow you to relax.


Afghanite can help to release anger and rage and other negative emotions that may be causing problems in your life.


Afghanite can help to ease the pain of grief and loss, as well as help you to move on from the past.


Afghanite can be helpful in treating depression, as it can help to lift your mood and make you feel more positive.

Inner Peace:

Afghanite can help to bring about inner peace and can be a great stone to meditate with.

Afghanite Metaphysical Properties

The afghanite crystal also has several metaphysical properties. Some of the better benefits of these stones include the following:

Psychic Ability:

Telepathy. Afghanite is said to help with telepathy, which can be helpful in personal relationships. Afghanite is also thought to help with psychic abilities, including intuition and clairvoyance.


Afghanite is thought to help with creativity, both in the arts and in everyday life.

Spiritual Development:

Afghanite is one of the best stones for spiritual growth, as it can help you to connect with your intuition and to learn from your mistakes.


Afghanite is also thought to be helpful in matters of romance, as it can increase love and passion.

Akashic Records:

Afghanite is also said to help access the Akashic Records, a repository of all knowledge and information.

Afghanite Meditation and Grounding

Meditating with afghanite includes relaxation, stress relief, and a sense of peace. Afghanite can help to ground one’s energy and clear the mind, making it a perfect stone for meditation.

To meditate with afghanite, sit in a comfortable position and hold the stone in your non-dominant hand. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Imagine white light entering through your crown chakra and filling your body as you inhale. Imagine the white light cleansing and clearing away any negativity as you exhale.

When you are finished meditating, thank the afghanite stone for its help and allow it to continue to cleanse and protect your energy.

Afghanite Chakras:

The afghanite crystal can open and engage with both the crown and the third-eye chakras. Here is what you can expect with each:

Crown Chakra:

When the afghanite crystal is working with the crown chakra, you may experience a sense of spiritual connection and expansion. This can lead to profound insights and understanding.

Third-Eye Chakra:

When the afghanite crystal is working with the third-eye chakra, you may experience an increase in psychic ability and intuition. You may also find it easier to see and understand the spiritual realm.

Afghanite Crystal Combinations:

You can unlock several benefits when combining your afghanite stone with other crystals. Some of the best crystal pairings for this stone include the following:


Lazurite is a blue stone that can help to amplify the effects of afghanite. It can help to increase intuition and psychic ability while also providing stress relief.


Citrine is a yellow crystal that can help boost creativity and happiness when combined with afghanite. It can also help to attract positive energy into your life.

Clear Quartz:

Clear quartz is a versatile stone that can amplify the effects of any other crystal. When combined with afghanite, it can help to increase spiritual growth and understanding.

Smoky Quartz:

Smoky quartz is a brown crystal that can help to ground and protect your energy. When combined with afghanite, it can help you to stay centred and focused on your meditations.


Euclase is a blue-green crystal that can help to increase communication and clarity. When combined with afghanite, it can help you to understand the spiritual realm and your intuition more clearly.


Goethite is a brown-black crystal that can help to increase your strength and stamina. When combined with afghanite, it can help you to stay grounded and focused during times of stress or change.


Canvasite is a green crystal that can help to increase your sense of joy and well-being. When combined with afghanite, it can help to increase love and passion in your life.


Malachite is a green crystal that can help to protect your energy and increase your intuitive abilities. When combined with afghanite, it can help you to connect more deeply with the spiritual realm.

Charging and Cleansing:

When using an Afghanite for its metaphysical properties, it is very important that you charge and cleanse it regularly. Additionally, you will want to charge it when you initially bring it into your home.


While the sun can charge your stones very quickly, you will want to remove the stone from the sun after an hour or two as the sun could discolour your crystals (even those that are sun-safe). You can set your stone outside or on a windowsill to absorb the powerful energy from the heavens. The time you need to charge your crystals will vary, but they can often be ready in just a few minutes.

Full Moon:

Cleansing your stones with the full moon is an excellent way to remove negativity. At twilight, place your crystals on a windowsill or a place where they will be able to absorb the light of the moon (and its vibrations). Remove the stone the following morning before the sun gets too high into the sky. You can also place several stones on a grid to charge with a specific intention.


Salt is known for its ability to remove negative energies. To use it to cleanse your own crystals, fill a jar or bowl with sea salt. Place your stones on top of the salt, then cover the bowl with a cloth. Allow the crystals to sit in the jar for a day or two to cleanse the crystals, then carefully remove them. Use a soft cloth or brush to remove any dust. Dispose of the salt.

Soapy Water:

Some stones can be cleaned in soapy water. When cleaning them, ensure that you use a gentle soap and carefully remove any dust or debris from the stone. After the stone is clean, rinse off the stone with lukewarm water and pat the stone down with a soft cloth.


Smudging your stones will immediately remove negative energies, so it is important to open a window for them to leave if you are cleansing your crystals indoors. Simply light either used bundled or loose sage with a match, then blow out the flame to produce smoke. Wave the stone through the smoke for 30 to 60 seconds to clear bad vibrations. Ensure you use a fire-safe bowl or plate for safety.


If you are looking for a powerful stone that can offer many physical and emotional benefits, then afghanite may be the right choice for you. This stone can help you to release negative energy, find inner peace, and connect with your intuition.

Additionally, afghanite can be helpful in matters of romance, creativity, and spirituality. Be sure to charge and cleanse your afghanite regularly for optimal results.

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